About me
Charming Ihekoronye
I was born in Saint Louis, Missouri and joined the United States Marine Corps on June 2, 2014, and completed recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. By December 2015, I was an Aviation Ordnance Technician in Yuma, Arizona, also serving as a Fitness Coordinator and Instructor Trainer.
I graduated from Bryan University in Los Angeles in September 2018 with a degree in Advanced Physical Training and Exercise Science and also earned certifications as a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor.
From October 2018 to August 2022, I served as a Drill Instructor in Parris Island, South Carolina. After medically retiring, I became a District Manager for Bun Holdings Food Group in Alabama, handling operations, management, and business development.
Now, I’ve built an independent firm of over which has worked with over 500 clients and counting, collectively managing millions of dollars of debts, insurances, investments, taxes, trusts, real estate, and other assets. My current goal is to build a $5 Million Business that is able to support a $1.2M Military Mental Health Treatment Program across the nation, amongst two other non-profit organizations, that I will personally fund to show how much I believe in the power of entrepreneurship.
Ideas I Live By
Your Income Only Grows To The Extent That You Do. To increase your income, it takes growing first. The most common reason most people stay exactly where they are in life and never growing is because they don’t believe in the value of constant growth. In order for you to have a different life, you must create it and develop in the process. You should always be looking for opportunities to develop yourself.
Know what you are good at. Knowing your strengths are just as important as constantly trying to improve your weaknesses. Too often, we focus on only what we need to improve. However, when you know exactly what you are good at, you will be able to provide tons of value to others and feel confident in yourself.
Money is a mind game. In any situation with finances, you have to look at it from 3 perspectives; how will this decision affect me emotionally, how will it change my financial situation, and is this something that my mind will be able to withstand. Saving money into an account that you can not access might not be the best option for you if you need to be able to touch it. You may get penalized when your discipline cracks. Paying off your highest interest rate account before your lowest balance first might make it harder to continue paying on debt. If your mind can’t deal, the money will never come.
You MUST Double Your Income. Most people believe that they make enough money. Regardless of how much income you have, you always need more. If you feel like you don’t, it’s because you’ve never given money away. Think of the largest check that you could imagine giving away. Make enough money to do that and then some. You may never know what life circumstances will arise. Maybe your child will be accepted into the most prestigious university but you don’t have enough money to allow them to attend and now their heart is broken. All of their hard work in school won’t pay off because you didn’t make enough money. You must focus on growing your income.
Identify your moonshot. A “moonshot” is whatever you fear facing so you don’t face it at all. What would you do if you were not afraid to fail? GO. DO. IT.
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If you have any business-related questions or partnership opportunities, you can contact us at charming@rffinance.org. I’m always excited to explore collaboration and/or entrepreneurship opportunities with fellow veterans, gamers, content creators, mental health advocates, and industry professionals.
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No current features. If you would like to feature me in your articles, or blogs, please feel free to contact me at charming@rffinance.org.
Pay It Forward with Charming Ihekoronye on 7 Eagle Group
Family Services For Everyone on Franchise Minute with Anna Wilds, CFE
If you would like me to guest on your podcast or for interviews, I would love to. Please feel free to contact me at charming@rffinance.org.